Fair Booth for Las-Vegas Show

Milo was ordered to design a 400 square meter fair booth with multiple areas for the Global Gambling Show G2E in Las Vegas.

Special booth-design for Las Vegas G2 Concept draft for the Atronic exhibition booth to the fair G2 in Las Vegas Exhibition booth design for the G2 in Las Vegas Concept for a booth interior design with classical style elements Casino slot machine showroom for an Atronic exhibition Booth architecture and interior design - Water World – Atlantis Concept Booth planning - jungle world concept for the G2 Booth design - ‚cool and modern’ concept for the casino G2 global gambling expo Las Vegas Atronic Booth concept and design at the G2 Expo in Las Vegas
interior | architecture | design
German version
Casino Messestandbau Architektur Design für die G2 in Las Vegas
Roman version
Casino stand expozitional de arhitectura, design de constructie pentru G2 din Las Vegas
Russian version
Fair Booth for Las-Vegas Show
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Special booth-design for Las Vegas G2

Booth architecture design will be made by KUNST & IDEEN worldwide.
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Booth design and exhibition at the Extravaganza in Moscow

Exhibition design and planning for the presentation of the powerboat on the millionairs fair Extravaganza in moscow
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Fair Booth Building by Milo Design

Do you want to stand out from your fellow competitors at the trade fair? K&I Design presents examples of his work.
( Index )
Fantastic ideas and planning concepts  presented by the interior design Alexander Milo

The artist Alexander Milo presents his works in the areas restaurants, (interior)architecture, exhibition stand building, studio decorations, children's playgrounds and arts and crafts
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Showroom and exhibition interior design

Show room interior design - Milo presents different examples of showroom designs according to marketing requirements to provide a full shopping experience.
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© kunst & ideen kg  |  Fürbergstrasse 9  |  A-5020 Salzburg Austria  |  +43 676 5693470  |  office@kunst-und-ideen.com
Context description:  theme Casino slotmashine themeslotmashine Casinoslotmashine exhibition themeexhibition Casinoexhibition presentation themepresentation Casinopresentation slotmashinepresentation themeslotmashinepresentation Casinoslotmashinepresentation exhibitionpresentation themeexhibitionpresentation Casinoexhibitionpresentation design themedesign Casinodesign slotmashinedesign themeslotmashinedesign Casinoslotmashinedesign exhibitiondesign themeexhibitiondesign Casinoexhibitiondesign planning themeplanning Casinoplanning slotmashineplanning themeslotmashineplanning Casinoslotmashineplanning exhibitionplanning themeexhibitionplanning Casinoexhibitionplanning equipment themeequipment Casinoequipment slotmashineequipment themeslotmashineequipment Casinoslotmashineequipment exhibitionequipment themeexhibitionequipment Casinoexhibitionequipment
Salzburg Austria Austrian childrens playground childrensplanning playgroundplanning childrensdesign playgrounddesign Alexander Milo
booth building boothbuilding builder Expo