Discotheque and light-design

Milo artfully redesigned discotheques by using contemporary means and special light-effects and interior design.

Ideas and interior design concepts for Austria and Germany by Milo design Discotheque in alpine interior design style – where the young meets alpin feeling Discotheque in a famous skiing resort in Obertauern, Austria Interior Design Idea concept for a large discothek in Vorarlberg Disco interior design for a little Disco near Salzburg Disco interior design with many light- and projection effects Interior design for a small but very nice Disco designed by Milo Disco nightclub and bar concept design by Milo Disco nightclub and bar concept design by Milo Disco Bar and Lounge Design Planning Disco Bar and Lounge Design Planning Disco and bar design concept with play hall Disco and bar design concept with play hall Disco and bar design concept with play hall Disco and bar design concept with play hall
interior | architecture | design
German version
Disco Gastronomie Konzepte mit Gestaltung und Licht-Design
Roman version
Design Discoteca si lumini pentru o discoteca moderna pentru tineri
Russian version
Êîíöåïöèÿ äèñêîòåêè íà êóðîðòå «Îáåðòàóýðí»
Italian version
Discoteche arredamento - design d'interni e design di illuminazione
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Ideas and interior design concepts for Austria and Germany by Milo design

Restaurant bar design are made by KUNST & IDEEN worldwide.
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Winery garden terrace with entrance to the wine cellar - design planning by Milo

Winery patio - with cozy squares entwined with vines. Impressive amenities for a wine farmer in lower Austria.
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Countryhouse style with indiviual wine cellar planning

Country house interior design and wine cellar planning for a private house in the antic style
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Fantastic ideas and planning concepts  presented by the interior design Alexander Milo

The artist Alexander Milo presents his works in the areas restaurants, (interior)architecture, exhibition stand building, studio decorations, children's playgrounds and arts and crafts
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Romantic theme restaurant planing design with the thema "Old Post Station"

In the romantic Hotel ''Old Post Station'' in Hofgastein, we are just creating a cycle of 3 theme rooms with different szenes from the old post station history.
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© kunst & ideen kg  |  Fürbergstrasse 9  |  A-5020 Salzburg Austria  |  +43 676 5693470  |  office@kunst-und-ideen.com
Context description:  Alpin Discotheque Alpindiscotheque design Alpindesign Discothequedesign Alpindiscothequedesign interior Alpininterior Discothequeinterior Alpindiscothequeinterior designinterior Alpindesigninterior Discothequedesigninterior Alpindiscothequedesigninterior designer Alpindesigner Discothequedesigner Alpindiscothequedesigner designdesigner Alpindesigndesigner Discothequedesigndesigner Alpindiscothequedesigndesigner planning Alpinplanning Discothequeplanning Alpindiscothequeplanning designplanning Alpindesignplanning Discothequedesignplanning Alpindiscothequedesignplanning office Alpinoffice Discothequeoffice Alpindiscothequeoffice designoffice Alpindesignoffice Discothequedesignoffice Alpindiscothequedesignoffice area dancingarea
disco discos discotheque discotheques desinger
Salzburg Austria Austrian interiordesign designs interiordesigns interiordesigner designers interiordesigners artist interiorartist artists interiorartists murals interiormurals Alexander Milo childrens playground childrensdesign