Disco and bar design concept with play hall

Disco and bardesign with attached game room for a large entertainment bar

Disco and bar design concept with play hall
Disco and bardesign with attached game room for a large entertainment bar

Ideas and interior design concepts for Austria and Germany by Milo design
Restaurant bar design are made by KUNST & IDEEN worldwide.

Discotheque in alpine interior design style – where the young meets alpin feeling
This discotheque redesigned by Milo is one of the most famous and most popular discotheques in the Obertauern area.

Discotheque in a famous skiing resort in Obertauern, Austria
Modified alpine style interior design combined with unusual effects create a unity.

Interior Design Idea concept for a large discothek in Vorarlberg
Disco interior design concept for a disco organization with large projection mirror above the bar and dancearea, with 2 gogo landings and a scrolling text in the bar-front

Disco interior design for a little Disco near Salzburg
A smal but fine disco - with much light-effects and special design - people like that !

Disco interior design with many light- and projection effects
Restaurant disco interior design for a lounge disco near salzburg

Interior design for a small but very nice Disco designed by Milo
Disco interior design planning by KUNST & IDEEN are created in all kind of styles

Disco nightclub and bar concept design by Milo
Discotheques interior design plans for a disco in a winter sport area - with a light bar, dance floor and seating areas. The extraordinary lighting design enables many exciting scenes.

Disco nightclub and bar concept design by Milo
Discotheques interior design plans for a disco in a winter sport area - with a light bar, dance floor and seating areas. The extraordinary lighting design enables many exciting scenes.

Disco Bar and Lounge Design Planning
Disco Design and Planning - View over the disco lounge bar

Disco Bar and Lounge Design Planning
Disco Design and Planning - View over the disco lounge bar

Disco and bar design concept with play hall
Disco and bardesign with attached game room for a large entertainment bar

Disco and bar design concept with play hall
Disco and bardesign with attached game room for a large entertainment bar

Disco and bar design concept with play hall
Disco and bardesign with attached game room for a large entertainment bar

Disco and bar design concept with play hall
Disco and bardesign with attached game room for a large entertainment bar

interior | architecture | design
German version
Design Variante - Discothek ,Bar und Tanzbereich  Disco Interior Design Konzept Planung - mit Spielhalle
Roman version
Discoteci si bar concept de design cu arcade
Russian version
Disco and bar design concept with play hall
Italian version
Disegno Descrizione - discoteca, bar e un'area da ballo della discoteca interior concept design progettazione - con giochi in piscina
( next page --> )
Disco and bar design concept with play hall

Disco and bardesign with attached game room for a large entertainment bar
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Disco and bar design concept with play hall

Disco and bardesign with attached game room for a large entertainment bar
( <<-- back one chapter )
Countryhouse style with indiviual wine cellar planning

Country house interior design and wine cellar planning for a private house in the antic style
( Index )
Discotheque and light-design

Milo artfully redesigned discotheques by using contemporary means and special light-effects and interior design.
( next chapter --> )
Romantic theme restaurant planing design with the thema "Old Post Station"

In the romantic Hotel ''Old Post Station'' in Hofgastein, we are just creating a cycle of 3 theme rooms with different szenes from the old post station history.
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Context description:  disco bar discobar interior discointerior barinterior discobarinterior design discodesign bardesign discobardesign interiordesign discointeriordesign barinteriordesign discobarinteriordesign equipment discoequipment barequipment discobarequipment interiorequipment discointeriorequipment barinteriorequipment discobarinteriorequipment concept discoconcept barconcept discobarconcept interiorconcept discointeriorconcept barinteriorconcept discobarinteriorconcept conception discoconception barconception discobarconception interiorconception discointeriorconception barinteriorconception discobarinteriorconception dance
disco discos discotheque discotheques desinger
Salzburg Austria Austrian designs interiordesigns designer interiordesigner designers interiordesigners artist interiorartist artists interiorartists murals interiormurals Alexander Milo childrens playground planning childrensplanning playgroundplanning childrensdesign playgrounddesign