Alexander Milo - Architecture Interior Design as a positive lifestyle

Hello, my name is Alexander Milo! I think it's the most important thing and my job as a planner - implement livable, positive feelings in consideration of needs and desires of all the ideas, architecture planning, interior design, art and design for our clients

Alexander Milo - Architecture Interior Design as a positive lifestyle
Hello, my name is Alexander Milo! I think it's the most important thing and my job as a planner - implement livable, positive feelings in consideration of needs and desires of all the ideas, architecture planning, interior design, art and design for our clients

Luxury villa planning - interior design planning with all mediterranean emotional style elements for southern Spain Luxury villa in Germany - Interior design project: Partial refurbishing of a living area Mansion and villa planning design - idea concept for a luxury mansion Bath interior design - dream mansion bathrooms – Dreams of taking bath – wellness and relaxing
interior | architecture | design
German version
Alexander Milo - Interior Design Architektur als positives Lebensgefühl
Roman version
Alexander Milo - Arhitectura de Interior design ca o atitudine pozitiva fata de viata
Russian version
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Italian version
Milo - interior design architecture come un atteggiamento positivo verso la vita
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Luxury villa planning - interior design planning with all mediterranean emotional style elements for southern Spain

Interior design planning for dream houses - living in artistic romantic ambience of a dream house on the sea front of the Costa del Sol. The entire house nestles harmoniously into the mountain side.
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Hotel restaurant design - gastronomy idea development and concept planning

Hotel and restaurant design, interior decoration design and idea concepts are frequently developed together with and for outstanding partners - models are built to fine-tune dimensions and proportions precisely
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Hotel restaurant design - gastronomy idea development and concept planning

Hotel and restaurant design, interior decoration design and idea concepts are frequently developed together with and for outstanding partners - models are built to fine-tune dimensions and proportions precisely
( Index )
Fantastic ideas and planning concepts  presented by the interior design Alexander Milo

The artist Alexander Milo presents his works in the areas restaurants, (interior)architecture, exhibition stand building, studio decorations, children's playgrounds and arts and crafts
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Luxury villa planning - interior design planning with all mediterranean emotional style elements for southern Spain

Interior design planning for dream houses - living in artistic romantic ambience of a dream house on the sea front of the Costa del Sol. The entire house nestles harmoniously into the mountain side.
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© kunst & ideen kg  |  Fürbergstrasse 9  |  A-5020 Salzburg Austria  |  +43 676 5693470  |
Context description:  Dream livestyle residence Dreamresidence livestyleresidence mansion Dreammansion livestylemansion interior Dreaminterior livestyleinterior residenceinterior Dreamresidenceinterior livestyleresidenceinterior mansioninterior Dreammansioninterior livestylemansioninterior design Dreamdesign livestyledesign residencedesign Dreamresidencedesign livestyleresidencedesign mansiondesign Dreammansiondesign livestylemansiondesign interiordesign Dreaminteriordesign livestyleinteriordesign residenceinteriordesign Dreamresidenceinteriordesign livestyleresidenceinteriordesign mansioninteriordesign Dreammansioninteriordesign livestylemansioninteriordesign villa architecture
Salzburg Austria Austrian childrens playground planning childrensplanning playgroundplanning childrensdesign playgrounddesign Alexander Milo
theme gastro themegastro experience themeexperience themedesign gastrodesign themegastrodesign experiencedesign themeexperiencedesign designer themedesigner gastrodesigner themegastrodesigner planner