Stage-design created by Milo for Sheakespeares "Storm"

Stage design on a revolving stage the island was developed and so it was possible to show constantly chanching optical impressions.

Stage-design created by Milo for Sheakespeares "Storm"
Stage design on a revolving stage the island was developed and so it was possible to show constantly chanching optical impressions.

Movie- and TV-Eqiupment for Austrian TV
Television and stage equipment in Austria and Germany are designed and manufactured for a wide variety of clients. Milo designed numerous stage image design plans for the theater as a guest decorators.

Stage Set for the Satire Forum ‘Salzburger Stier’
Artist Milo created this stage set for the TV-Show ‘Salzburger Stier’.

Stage Set for the Charity Program ‘Licht ins Dunkel’
This TV-program has different stage sets. Interior designer Milo created this one in 1986, featuring a stylized skyline of Salzburg, Austria, as background.

Stage Set for the TV-Production ‘Feindbilder’
Stage design and equipment show the origin of the most popular ‚enemies’ (hence the name) for the Austrians and explain how these prejudices are kept alive.

Stage Set for a TV-Show for Kids
Interior designer Milo created the stage set for a children’s musical, written and composed by Walter Muller.

Stage design for Antigone
Theatre stage design - Milo are making skribbles for the scenery of Antigone

Stage-design created by Milo for Sheakespeares "Storm"
Stage design on a revolving stage the island was developed and so it was possible to show constantly chanching optical impressions.

Stage equipment to Kleist´s " the broken jug"
The stage designer Milo sketched here a compact stage equipment for Kleists piece of stage

Stage design and planning features - for Enzensberger's "Misanthrope" as a continuation of Moliers play
Milo's stage design planning and equipment for Enzensberger's ''A Misanthrope''  - shows here a'' catwalk of the Vanities''.

Stage designs image - for Enzensberger's "Misanthrope"
Stage planning and facilities - here's the design on the basis the stage design for Enzensberger'' A Misanthrope'' was born. Of course there were changes of the stage equipment till it was certain.

Stage designs image - for Enzensberger's "Misanthrope"
Stage design planning and facilities - here's another design for the stage by Enzensberger  ''A Misanthrope''.

Stage design for Henrik Ibsens Lady of the Sea made by Milo
The scenery for Ibsens Lady of the Sea theater performance - shows multi-functional equipment - sometimes a times a Norwegian sheare - sometimes a thill behind the house - sometimes a the garden.

Stages design and equipment for a romantic, classical genre design for the operetta "Land of Smiles"
Stage design image features of Milo for the operetta'' Land of Smiles'' in the nostalgic, romantic style. The stage shows here an optical Asian facilities mood.

Milo's stage set for Ibsen's "An Enemy of the People" - on a multi-functional stage
Stages design and equipment for the always exciting timeless piece  ''An Enemy of the People''  here with a multifunctional stage decoration. Walls are moved, repositioned furniture and you can continue playing.

Milo's stage set for Ibsen's "An Enemy of the People" - on a multi-functional stage
Stages design and equipment for the always exciting timeless piece  ''An Enemy of the People''  here with a multifunctional stage decoration. Walls are moved, repositioned furniture and you can continue playing.

Stage design to "Play it again Sam" by Woody Allen
Milo's stage image planning and equipment for Woody ''Play it again Sam''. The stage design shows here the slightly chaotic living area of the main character.

The stage design picture of Max Frisch's stage play "Andorra"
Milo's stage design picture design for the theater play'' critical'' Andorra by Max Frisch. It shows the withering of all the human emotions in a time of fear

Traditional stage design scenery for the Operette  "Clivia"
The stage design picture shows here a small concert hall, in traditional stage equipment

interior | architecture | design
German version
Bühnen Bild Design Planung zu Sheakespeares
Roman version
Etapa de design create de Milo pentru Sheakespeares
Russian version
stage-design created by Milo for Sheakespeares
( next page --> )
Stage equipment to Kleist´s " the broken jug"

The stage designer Milo sketched here a compact stage equipment for Kleists piece of stage
( <-- back one page )
Stage design for Antigone

Theatre stage design - Milo are making skribbles for the scenery of Antigone
( <<-- back one chapter )
Showroom and exhibition interior design

Show room interior design - Milo presents different examples of showroom designs according to marketing requirements to provide a full shopping experience.
( Index )
Stage Set Designs for TV and Theater

Stage design picture and television TV decorations for various projects produced in the studios of the studio art & ideas that operates throughout Europe in this form. Theater stage sets for various theaters and television stations.
( next chapter --> )
Art workshop for 3D objects and trompe l'oeil mural paintings.

Milo's Art Workshop offers additional artistic achievements that supported the interior design field and so full opportunity to express. These include services such as Kunstb wall painting, 3d sculptures, lighting and sound objects, fountain designs and much more ..
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© kunst & ideen kg  |  Fürbergstrasse 9  |  A-5020 Salzburg Austria  |  +43 676 5693470  |
Context description:  theater scenery stage theaterstage scenerystage decoration theaterdecoration scenerydecoration stagedecoration theaterstagedecoration scenerystagedecoration equipment theaterequipment sceneryequipment stageequipment theaterstageequipment scenerystageequipment decorationequipment theaterdecorationequipment scenerydecorationequipment stagedecorationequipment theaterstagedecorationequipment scenerystagedecorationequipment design theaterdesign scenerydesign stagedesign theaterstagedesign scenerystagedesign decorationdesign theaterdecorationdesign scenerydecorationdesign stagedecorationdesign theaterstagedecorationdesign scenerystagedecorationdesign designer theaterdesigner scenerydesigner stagedesigner theaterstagedesigner scenerystagedesigner decorationdesigner theaterdecorationdesigner scenerydecorationdesigner stagedecorationdesigner theaterstagedecorationdesigner scenerystagedecorationdesigner
Salzburg Austria Austrian kids play park planning architecture Alexander Milo childrens playground
set tv