Las Vegas – A casino restaurant lounge bar interior design with 3D three-dimensional wall design elements

Casino gamblind decoration interior design - this is a betting area with american gastronomy and Las Vegas skyline in Vienna. Design and construction by Milo.

Las Vegas – A casino restaurant lounge bar interior design with 3D three-dimensional wall design elements
Casino gamblind decoration interior design - this is a betting area with american gastronomy and Las Vegas skyline in Vienna. Design and construction by Milo.

Western restaurant lounge and bar interior design in a casino near Vienna.
Casino western planning equipment and theme restaurant loung bar interior design makes a wonderful impression designed by Milo

Las Vegas Skyline in a bet area in the SCS Mall near Vienna, Austria
Casino gambling restaurant lounge bar interior design - Interior architect Milo designed and built a betting area of the Wettpunkt Group. His designs provoke the feeling of standing on a Las Vegas rooftop terrace. Light effects enhance this illusion.

Las Vegas – A casino restaurant lounge bar interior design with 3D three-dimensional wall design elements
Casino gamblind decoration interior design - this is a betting area with american gastronomy and Las Vegas skyline in Vienna. Design and construction by Milo.

A wildwest restaurant concept and interior design - in corporating cowboy and indian motives and landscapes
Casino planning - a western restaurant lounge bar with evocative atmosphere, which also serves fun, situated in Austria’s capital Vienna. Planning and construction by interior designer Milo.

A wildwest restaurant lounge bar concept and interior design - in Vienna
A western restaurant lounge bar design - with evocative atmosphere, which also serves fun, situated in Austria’s capital Vienna. Planning and construction by interior designer Milo

Casino equipment - a wildwest restaurant lounge bar interior design - in Vienna
A western restaurant lounge bar design - with evocative atmosphere, which also serves fun, situated in Austria’s capital Vienna. Planning and construction by interior designer Milo

Casino western restaurant design - an impressive design
Casino western restaurant design - with a 3D mural and 3D plastic design - an elegant ambience

Western Shop and western restaurant interior design and planning in the SCS Mall
Casino western restaurant lounge bar and shop interior design - Is this somewhere in the western part of the United States, 100 years ago? No, it’s a restaurant interior design in Austria.

Western garden restaurant with decorative facade elements
Casino western garden restaurant and interior design planning - with charming decorative elements resulted in a large garden area.

Special restaurant lounge bar design and concepts made by KUNST & IDEEN is always everything except normal
Restaurant lounge bar design planning and interior design - new gastronomy ideas and concepts are made by Milo.

Concept for a salad bar gastronomy lounge bar in romantic style
Restaurant lounge bar planning and interior design - a salad bar in the romantic gastro design with the following Paella kitchen for a self-service restaurant

Restaurant interior design - sitting-area of the Paella-restaurant lounge bar gastronomy
Spain paella restaurant lounge bar interior design for gourmet restaurant in Vienna

Paella-bar interior design sitting area in another design concept by Milo-design
Elegant restaurant lounge bar interior design for a spanish theme restaurant - high-quality materials and equipments makes the guest good feelings.

interior | architecture | design
German version
LAS VEGAS - Casino Lokalkonzept Innenarchitektur Interuior Design Planung mit 3D Dekorations Wand Gestaltungen.
Roman version
Las Vegas – Design interior concept restaurant cazino  cu elemente tridimensionale 3D la pereti
Russian version
Êîíöåïöèÿ ïîìåùåíèÿ ñ òð¸õìåðíûì äèçàéíîì – Ëàñ-Âåãàñ
Italian version
LAS VEGAS - casinò locale concetto design d'interni pianificazione della progettazione, con decorazioni murali decorativi in 3D.
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A wildwest restaurant concept and interior design - in corporating cowboy and indian motives and landscapes

Casino planning - a western restaurant lounge bar with evocative atmosphere, which also serves fun, situated in Austria’s capital Vienna. Planning and construction by interior designer Milo.
( <-- back one page )
Las Vegas Skyline in a bet area in the SCS Mall near Vienna, Austria

Casino gambling restaurant lounge bar interior design - Interior architect Milo designed and built a betting area of the Wettpunkt Group. His designs provoke the feeling of standing on a Las Vegas rooftop terrace. Light effects enhance this illusion.
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Ice Cafe Bar planning in Solln near Munich

 We have revitalized an ice cafe in Solln near Munich and transformed into an elegant Ice Bar. The wishes of the customer have been implemented.
( Index )
Casino Theme Restaurant lounge bar interior design at the Wettpunkt in the SCS Mall near Vienna, Austria in Schwechat

Casino western restaurant lounge bar interior design - the concept comprises a western gastronomy place with shop, restaurant, bar, and Las-Vegas style area. It took us just four months of planning and construction.
( next chapter --> )
Countryhouse style with indiviual wine cellar planning

Country house interior design and wine cellar planning for a private house in the antic style
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© kunst & ideen kg  |  Fürbergstrasse 9  |  A-5020 Salzburg Austria  |  +43 676 5693470  |
Context description:  theme casino themecasino gambling themegambling casinogambling themecasinogambling interior themeinterior casinointerior themecasinointerior design themedesign casinodesign themecasinodesign planner themeplanner casinoplanner themecasinoplanner gamblingplanner themegamblingplanner casinogamblingplanner themecasinogamblingplanner interiorplanner themeinteriorplanner casinointeriorplanner themecasinointeriorplanner designplanner themedesignplanner casinodesignplanner themecasinodesignplanner equipment themeequipment casinoequipment themecasinoequipment gamblingequipment themegamblingequipment casinogamblingequipment themecasinogamblingequipment interiorequipment themeinteriorequipment casinointeriorequipment themecasinointeriorequipment designequipment themedesignequipment casinodesignequipment themecasinodesignequipment gaming money
Salzburg Austria Austrian childrens playground planning childrensplanning playgroundplanning childrensdesign playgrounddesign Alexander Milo
theme experience gastronomy