Cornelia Hutterer Decorative painting and trompe l'oeil ceiling in a large salon

Cornelia Hutterer Decorative painting and trompe l'oeil ceiling in a large salon
 Elegant murals and trompe l'oeil paintings on the ceiling of a salon in a villa, existing stucco elements are gold plated and visually enhanced with fantastic animal images.   Elegant murals and trompe l'oeil paintings on the ceiling of a salon in a villa, existing stucco elements are gold plated and visually enhanced with fantastic animal images.
Networking with good partners makes sucsess
Our company is working with very professional persons and companys - for the sucsess for our customers and partners

Anna Scheffer a famous specialist for gastronomy and hotel business
Anna Scheffer - Tel +43 (0)664 5349796 - as a chief of a large 4 star hotel and restaurant has shew much experiences. Anna Scheffer is really a specialist to find new ideas and conceptions for hotels.

Hotel consultation in the highest level - will bring your hotel sucsess
Anna Scheffer - Tel +43 (0)664 5349796 - 30 years hotel- and gastronomy trade has made a specialized woman in quality conceptions. Today Anna Scheffer is a demand trainee for hotel and catering trade, for systemic Coaching in the range quality improvement and also for coworker training.

Anna Scheffer a premium quality examiner manager and subtle specialist for gastronomy
Anna Scheffer - Tel +43 (0) 664 5349796 - hotel management consulting - 30 years of hotel and catering experience.  For 12 years management in the hotel business have shaped the **** hotel specialist in quality issues. Anna Scheffer is now a sought-after, popular trainer for high quality hotels and restaurants for systemic coaching in quality improvement and employee training

Anna Scheffer a premium quality examiner manager and subtle specialist for hotel restaurant gastronomy
Anna Scheffer - Tel +43 (0) 664 5349796 - hotel management consulting - 30 years of hotel and catering experience.  For 12 years management in the hotel business have shaped the **** hotel specialist in quality issues. Anna Scheffer is now a sought-after, popular trainer for high quality hotels and restaurants for systemic coaching in quality improvement and employee training

Domenico Stago, a versatile stage designer and artist
Domenico Stago, an experienced and creative artist and stage designer presents his images

Domenico Stago, a very positive and fantastic creative artist and stage designer
Domenico Stago, a wonderful friend since our student days - painter, stage designer, object artist, presents his pictures on the following pages. You can reach Tel .: 0043 (0) 660 4883389 or e-mail:

Domenico Stago - dreamy forest scenes full of inspiration and positive emanations
Domenico Stago - painter, stage designer, object artist - shows in his paintings bright forest scenes full of vitality. You can reach Mimmo .: 0043 (0) 660 4883389 or e-mail:

Domenico Stago  - painter, stage designer, object artist -  dreamy forest scenes full of inspiration and positive emanations
Domenico Stago - painter, stage designer, object artist - shows in his paintings bright forest scenes full of vitality. You can reach Mimmo .: 0043 (0) 660 4883389 or e-mail:

Domenico Stago  - painter, stage designer, object artist -  dreamy forest scenes full of inspiration and positive emotions
Domenico Stago - painter, stage designer, object artist - shows his atmospheric forest pictures - that is meant to be able to smell the forest ... You can reach Mimmo .: 0043 (0) 660 4883389 or e-mail:

Domenico Stago  - painter, stage designer, object artist -  dreamy forest scenes full of inspiration and positive emotions
Domenico Stago - painter, stage designer, object artist - here's a forest picture with beautiful lighting effects - that every viewer takes ... You can reach Mimmo .: 0043 (0) 660 4883389 or e-mail:

Domenico Stago - dreamy romantic hiking pictures full of inspiration and positive emanations
Domenico Stago - painter, stage designer, object artist - atmospheric image while hiking painted - show the diverse qualities of the artist.  You can reach Mimmo .: 0043 (0) 660 4883389 or e-mail:

Domenico Stago - image to exhibition
Domenico Stago - painter, stage designer, object artist - here's a picture that Mimmo has painted for an exhibition. You can reach Mimmo .: 0043 (0) 660 4883389 or e-mail:

Domenico Stago - wonderful forest moods - immersion find peace ..
The artist Domeniko '' Mimmo '' Stago - stage designer and excellent painter - shows sensitive forest scenes full of exciting lighting effects. You can reach Mimmo .: 0043 (0) 660 4883389 or e-mail:

The artist Domenico Stago - paints wonderful forest moods - a bridge over a stream - you can hear the water rushing ....
The artist Domeniko '' Mimmo '' Stago - stage designer and excellent painter - shows sensitive forest scenes full of exciting lighting effects. You can reach Mimmo .: 0043 (0) 660 4883389 or e-mail:

The artist Domeniko "Mimmo" Stago - lets us get into his heaven - a picture full of life ...
The artist Domeniko '' Mimmo '' Stago - stage designer and great artist - here is an atmospheric clouds image in gorgeous shades of blue. You can reach Mimmo .: 0043 (0) 660 4883389 or e-mail:

Cornelia Hutterer is a very good artist for trompe l´oeil + mural
Mural and trompe l´oeil painting will be realized in highest quality by Cornelia Hutterer worldwide for her customers. Artworks and 3D wall designs belong to Cornelia's artistic spectrum

Cornelia Hutterer is a very good artist for trompe l´oeil + mural painting.
Mural and trompe l´oeil painting will be realized in highest quality by Cornelia Hutterer worldwide for her customers.  Artworks and 3D wall designs belong to Cornelia's artistic spectrum.

Classically, fanciful murals / trompe l'oeil of the artist Cornelia Hutterer
Trompe l'oeil colorful paintings- wall murals painting - for a country villa - with garden motifs and architecture art painting, exotic animals in between - so get every house / villa a special flair.

Murals and trompe l'oeil painting created atmospheric by Cornelia Hutterer
Imaginative murals and trompe l'oeil paintings are also an expression of great joy and aesthetics of the client.

Cornelia Hutterer Decorative painting and trompe l'oeil ceiling in a large salon
 Elegant murals and trompe l'oeil paintings on the ceiling of a salon in a villa, existing stucco elements are gold plated and visually enhanced with fantastic animal images.

Decorative wall design with gilding - a style of element from Cornelia Hutterer
 With murals and trompe l'oeil paintings the artist uses the gilding as an element of style for her wall pictures - this great leaves nuanced plated over the walls and ceilings.

As a freelance artist  Cornelia Hutterer she has developed her own style of painting.
With soulful, emotionally charged images, the artist has developed her own style and has already made a name.

Construction financing and loans of Mag Eric Schider
Construction loans and financing for all areas of life conveys Mag. Eric Schider  Tel 0043 664 2812292

Construction financing and loans of Mag Eric Schider
Construction loans and financing for all areas of life conveys Mag. Eric Schider  Tel 0043 664 2812292

Mag. Eric Schider - reliable and competent in financing consultation
Eric Schider - a financings and credit specialist  - for hotel, restaurant, bar projects Mag. Eric Schider  Tel 0043 664 2812292

Mag. Eric Schider  Tel 0043 664 2812292 - Loan financing and debt restructuring.
Mag. Eric Schider a specialist for credit financings for private people and hotel / restaurant credits and for the financings of European Union promotions for renewable energy (Photovoltaik plants).

Construction financing and loans of Mag Eric Schider
A financings and credit specialist  - for hotel, restaurant, bar projects Mag. Eric Schider  Tel 0043 664 2812292

Mag. Eric Schider  Tel 0043 664 2812292 - Loan financing and debt restructuring.
Mag. Eric Schider a specialist for credit financings for private people and hotel / restaurant credits and for the financings of European Union promotions for renewable energy (Photovoltaik plants).

Mag. Eric Schider - reliable and competent in financing consultation
A financings and credit specialist  - for hotel, restaurant, bar projects Mag. Eric Schider  Tel 0043 664 2812292

Mag. Eric Schider - reliable and competent in financing consultation
A financings and credit specialist  - for hotel, restaurant, bar projects Mag. Eric Schider  Tel 0043 664 2812292

DI Thomas Seitz, the new owner of carpentry Niedermayr, Salzburg
Joinery Niedermayr Salzburg - many new ideas, very flexible, powerful, creative and reliable - a speccialist for interior design furnitures - that is the new owner of carpentry Niedermayr DI Thomas Seitz, Linz Highway 45 in Salzburg. MobilTel.: Thomas Seitz  0043 (0)699 / 11944387

interior | architecture | design
German version
Cornelia Hutterer
Dekorative Deckenmalerei und Trompe l´oeil in einem großen Salon
Roman version
Pictura decorativa si plafon trompe l'oeil într-un salon mare
Russian version
Cornelia Hutterer
Decorative painting and trompe l'oeil ceiling in a large salon
( next page --> )
Decorative wall design with gilding - a style of element from Cornelia Hutterer

 With murals and trompe l'oeil paintings the artist uses the gilding as an element of style for her wall pictures - this great leaves nuanced plated over the walls and ceilings.
( <-- back one page )
Murals and trompe l'oeil painting created atmospheric by Cornelia Hutterer

Imaginative murals and trompe l'oeil paintings are also an expression of great joy and aesthetics of the client.
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VEGAS MASTER- Casino Online Magazine

VEGAS MASTER - casino online magazine - rated casinos, a casino guide and has many interesting articles and information  -  Alexander Milo an international working casino interior designer  talkes about his work
( Index )
Networking with good partners makes sucsess

Our company is working with very professional persons and companys - for the sucsess for our customers and partners
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Wooden prefabricated houses - in the best European quality

Wooden prefabricated houses and bungalows in an excellent European quality - with Austrian certifications and acceptance tests - for a very cost-effective and worry-free living. We also manufacture wooden prefabricated houses according to your special wishes and plans.
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© kunst & ideen kg  |  Fürbergstrasse 9  |  A-5020 Salzburg Austria  |  +43 676 5693470  |
Context description:  Wall Trompelóeil mural Wallmural Trompelóeilmural object Wallobject Trompelóeilobject muralobject Wallmuralobject Trompelóeilmuralobject art Wallart Trompelóeilart muralart Wallmuralart Trompelóeilmuralart objectart Wallobjectart Trompelóeilobjectart muralobjectart Wallmuralobjectart Trompelóeilmuralobjectart decoration Walldecoration Trompelóeildecoration muraldecoration Wallmuraldecoration Trompelóeilmuraldecoration objectdecoration Wallobjectdecoration Trompelóeilobjectdecoration muralobjectdecoration Wallmuralobjectdecoration Trompelóeilmuralobjectdecoration artdecoration Wallartdecoration Trompelóeilartdecoration muralartdecoration Wallmuralartdecoration Trompelóeilmuralartdecoration objectartdecoration Wallobjectartdecoration Trompelóeilobjectartdecoration muralobjectartdecoration Wallmuralobjectartdecoration Trompelóeilmuralobjectartdecoration Hutterer Corneliahutterer Wandbilder
Salzburg Austria Austrian kids play park design planning architecture Alexander Milo childrens playground interior